Articles not on stock

Ordering non-stock items

We would be happy to assist you in ordering items that are not in stock at the HCI-Shop. There are over 300 suppliers to choose from offering product categories from general laboratory requirements, chemicals and life sciences.

We negotiate on your behalf to get the best possible conditions and handle the full
ordering process for you, from placing the order to initiating payment.

This is an interactive form. Please open and edit using Adobe Acrobat software.


ordering form: protected page NLA_order_form_2021_01


  • All orders are still to be picked up at the HCI-Shop.
  • Dangerous goods must remain at the ETH-Hönggerberg. Transport of dangerous goods off campus is prohibited.
  • Please enter all required information and indicate the quantity as well as the size
    (e.g. 5 x 10 g)
    that you want to order on the order form. Contact us by e-mail if there is not enough space on the form for all the required information.
  • No order confirmations will be sent. You will be informed by mail as soon as the goods are ready for pick-up.
  • Pick-up: Mon-Fri, 09:00-12:00 / 13:00-17:00.
  • If required, please contact us to inquire about our current suppliers.


phone: 044 632 29 68

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